Special Board of Directors Meeting -

The Fort Worden Lifelong Learning Center Public Development Authority (FWPDA) will be holding a Special Board Meeting at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. This will be a remote web- and phone-based board meeting in accordance with Emergency Order 20-28, issued by Governor Jay Inslee. Public comment will be taken at the meeting and will be limited to the special meeting agenda topics. Written public comment also may be submitted in advance to jrutkowski@fortworden.org. [Zoom access information has been removed following completion of the meeting.]

Agenda & Packet (post-meeting update; without amended motions)
Agenda with Amended Motions (post-meeting)
Resignation Letters (final)
Fort Worden Hospitality Timeline as of 6.30.21
Meeting Recording
June 30th Meeting Minutes

CANCELLED: June 23rd Board Meeting -

The Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 public meeting of the Fort Worden Lifelong Learning Center Public Development Authority Board of Directors has been cancelled. The FWPDA Board anticipates calling a special public board meeting for June 30th, and the agenda and meeting details will be published when ready in a formal meeting notice.