august, 2020

03augAll DayONLINE: Create a Character with Melissa Klein(All Day: monday) Event Organized By: Port Townsend School of the Arts

Event Details

This 4-week workshop will meet three mornings a week to delve into the art of creating a character. “Create a Character” develops understanding of literature from a fun and art-centered perspective that lets you be the creator, creating a character that you want to see!

Ever wanted to develop a graphic novel or illustrated story but didn’t know where to begin? Or you have a vague idea of a character but are not sure how to flesh them out? Or you have a character that you’ve been drawing and dreaming about for a long time, but want to take them to the next level and make something more professional?

It all begins with understanding your character – from their motivations and back story to knowing how to draw them in many different poses. This class includes support and plenty of opportunity for interaction – via Zoom sessions, a Facebook group, access to demo videos and being able to get support when you need it!

Monday’s sessions have students watching demo videos that Melissa has created and then class discussion about the material, getting to know each other, and questions/answers about the material.

Wednesday’s Weekly Check-In is more of a “class work time” session with Melissa available to guide students and answer questions.

Fridays are for sharing work and getting feedback in real time. Melissa will load pictures of students’ work onto her iPad Pro and (with their permission) will demonstrate on their work how to make changes to improve it.


All Day (Monday)


Port Townsend School of the