Board of Directors Meeting -

The Fort Worden Lifelong Learning Center Public Development Authority (FWPDA) will be holding a board meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. This will be a remote web- and phone- based board meeting since we still have members dealing with Covid and the Jefferson County Case Rate is High. We anticipate beginning in person meetings in July.

Public comment will be taken at the meeting and will be limited to three minutes per comment. Written public comment may also be submitted in advance to [Access information removed following meeting.]

Agenda Packet (final)
Glamping packet 2015-2020
Meeting Recording
Meeting Chat
Approved Meeting Minutes

Finance & Audit Committee Meeting -

The Fort Worden Lifelong Learning Center Public Development Authority (FWPDA) will be holding a meeting of the Finance & Audit Committee on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 from 10-11:30 a.m.

Even though Emergency Order 20-28.15 been rescinded, we will be holding this meeting remotely. The case rate in Jefferson County is High and we have members currently testing positive for Covid, in addition to several who are just on the mend. In order to meet safely it is best to meet remotely.

Public comment will be taken at the meeting and will be limited to three minutes per comment. Written public comment may also be submitted in advance to [Meeting access removed after meeting.]

Agenda Packet (final)
Meeting Recording