October Board Meetings -

Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, October 28, 9 a.m.
The Fort Worden PDA Board of Directors will hold its regular board meeting on Wednesday, October 28th, at 9 a.m. Public comments will be accepted in advance and during the meeting. [Zoom access information has been removed following completion of the meeting.]

The meeting recording is available here.

10.28.20 Board Agenda Final Packet
Presentation: Recovery Plan Update
Madrona MindBody Presentation
10.28.20 Meeting Minutes

Special Meeting: Thursday, October 22, 1 p.m.
The Fort Worden PDA Board of Directors will hold a special meeting on Thursday, October 22nd, at 1 p.m. Public comments on agenda topics only per special meeting guidelines will be accepted in advance and during the meeting. [Zoom access information has been removed following completion of the meeting.]

10.22.20 PDA Board Agenda Packet
10.22.20 Meeting Minutes

Executive Committee and Finance & Audit Committee will not meet in October.
The board meeting that was tentatively scheduled for September 30 has been cancelled.

Special Board of Directors Meeting -

The Fort Worden PDA will be holding a special Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, September 10th, via Zoom, beginning at 9 a.m.

Members of the public wishing to comment may submit written comments in advance by 8 a.m. on September 10th to jrutkowski@fortworden.org. Submitted comments that are focused on the agenda topics will be read aloud on the writer’s behalf. Members of the public also may attend the meeting via Zoom and will have the opportunity to speak during the public comment portions of the agenda. [Zoom information has been removed following completion of the meeting.]

09.10.20 FWPDA Board Agenda Packet
Budget to Actuals 9.9.20
9.10.20 Meeting Minutes